Friday, August 4, 2023

How to be prepared for a flood

Inspect your rain gutters and downspouts and confirm that they are clear of snow and debris.
Be sure storm drains closest to your home and the area around them are clear of any debris.
Pay attention to your landscaping making sure water drains away from your home.
Keep children and pets away from potential flood and drainage areas.
Shallow flooding of parking lots, roadways, and intersections could be possible. 
Watch out for open areas of land or driveways that slope toward a home or residence.
Sign up for emergency alerts from Sandy City here:

Stay Informed - Listen to radio and television, including NOAA Weather Radio if possible, check the internet and social media for information and updates.
Get to Higher Ground - If you live in a flood prone area or are camping in a low lying area, get to higher ground immediately.
Obey Evacuation Orders - If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Lock your home when you leave. If you have time, disconnect utilities and appliances.
Practice Electrical Safety - Don't go into a basement, or any room, if water covers the electrical outlets or if cords are submerged. If you see sparks or hear buzzing, crackling, snapping or popping noises--get out! Stay out of water that may have electricity in it!
Avoid Flood Waters - Don't walk or drive through flood waters. It only takes 6 inches of moving water to knock you off your feet. If you are trapped by moving water, move to the highest possible point and call 911 if possible.
Stay Informed - Stay tuned to your local news for updated information on road conditions. Ensure water is safe to drink, cook or clean with after a flood. Authorities may ask you to boil water for a while after a flood. Utility companies often have apps to update you on getting service back. Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms when areas are dealing with power outages. Never use a portable generator inside your home or garage.
Avoid Flood Waters - Standing water hides many dangers including toxins and chemicals. There may be sharp objects under the water or the road could have collapsed. If it is likely your home will flood, don't wait for an evacuation order, get out! Talk to friends and family about emergency visits. If you have pets, take them with you or get them somewhere safe.
Avoid Disaster Areas - Do not visit disaster areas. Your presence may hamper rescue and other emergency operations.
Heed Road Closed and Cautionary Signs - Road closure and other cautionary signs are put in place for your safety. Pay attention to them!
Wait for the All Clear - Do not enter a flood damaged home or building until you're given the All Clear by authorities. If you enter a flood damaged building, be extremely careful. Water can cause floods to collapse, ceiling to fall, etc.
More resources:
Sandy City resources on flooding

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